As in previous years, 2021 has been another year of growth and consolidation for aQuantum in research, development, consulting and services in Quantum Software Engineering and Development.

As an expression of the growth of our activity and of preparing ourselves for the organizational challenges that we are facing, in 2021 aQuantum has given rise to aQuantum Software Engineering.

aQuantum participated throughout the founding process of the Quantum Consortium of European Industry (QuIC) being full members of this European organization created in 2021 that, without a doubt, is called to play a relevant role in the development and adoption of quantum computing.

In 2021 aQuantum also joined the Committee for Quantum Technologies (CTN71 / SC14) of UNE, with which it will collaborate nationally and internationally in standardization initiatives in Quantum Technologies.

The aQuantum team has not only grown in number, which is very important, but also in the variety of competences of its members, thanks to which it has increased its scientific and technical maturity, achieving relevant results in the different lines of research and development that we have open. It’s a pleasure to note that in 2021 our polymath team in quantum computing has continued to grow and mature, achieving our great goals of accelerating the adoption of quantum computing through solutions designed for practical quantum computing.

Among the most relevant milestones of 2021 we can highlight the following:


R&D and knowledge creation about Quantum Software Engineering and Programming

  • aQuantum continue to work on a wide range of research lines which, in turn, have given rise to multiple projects that have allowed us to obtain this year significant advances in the application of Quantum Software Engineering , with the goal of accelerating practical quantum computing:

Connecting classic to quantum software


aQuantum Business: products and services for quantum software

  • In 2021 we expanded and perfected our catalog of specialized products and services in quantum software:

  • We continue working on the QHealth Project, which has made important advances in research on the definition of quantum computing for its application to the pharmacogenomics
  • aQuantum was selected as one of the seven star-ups chosen by CaixaBank to develop “Fintech” projects in 2021. As part of this project we have developed a Proof of Concept (PoC) with QuantumPath®, the platform for development and life cycle of quantum algorithms and software applications.
  • aQNetwork, the network of institutions and companies that collaborate with aQuantum to advance the adoption of best practices in quantum software engineering and development, has continued to grow with the addition of organizations from several countries.
  • At the end of October 2021 we released QuantumPath®, the first quantum software development platform for the hybrid solutions ecosystem, which can be accessed online through four types of subscriptions:

  • Since its recent launch, QuantumPath® has been internationally adopted by a number of research centers, universities and companies for academic, research and business activities on Quantum Software Engineering and Programming.
  • Since its launch at the end of October 2021, the number of QuantumPath® users has grown at an excellent rate, reaching into the thousands.


Although this summary does not detail all the achievements obtained during this year because it would not make sense to do so from many points of view, we believe that it does show that for aQuantum 2021 has been a year rich in activity and results on a wide variety of fronts (research, knowledge, publication of results, commercial launch of QuantumPath®, business and services, technological and research alliances, etc.), in an environment as disruptive, complex, dynamic and demanding as that of quantum computing.

During 2021 we have seen how our advances in R&D materialize in unique technological advances for the development of Quantum Software Engineering and Programming, in valuable contributions to stimulate the fastest growth of the necessary workforce for the development of high-quality quantum software.

As part of these results, during 2021 aQuantum has consolidated its role and projection in the global quantum ecosystem, as a specialized provider, like no other, in the practical application of Quantum Software Engineering and Programming.

In summary, 2021 has been an exciting year of work at aQuantum , in which we have designed, implemented and launched new methods, functionalities, products and services that facilitate the development of quantum algorithms and software, and with them to provide incredible experiences to developers in practical quantum computing.

The results accumulated in 2021 will also allow us to carry out new launches in the coming days and months, no less relevant, which predict an even more exciting 2022 in R&D and in the field of quantum software products and services.