The Department of Ciencias de la Computación y Tecnologías de la Información (DCCTI) of the Universidad del Bío-Bío and aQuantum sign a Collaboration Agreement for the joint realization of R&D in the area of Quantum Software Engineering and  Programming, as well as promoting aQuantum training activities in these areas in Chile. In order to carry out the training activities provided for in the Agreement, the DCCTI becomes an “Academic Partner” of the aQuantum Partner Network (aQNetwork).

The Universidad del Bío-Bío is heir to the oldest tradition of state and public higher education in the Bío-Bío Region. Its origins date back to the creation of the Universidad Técnica del Estado, UTE, on 9 April 1947. It has more than 8000 students, distributed among the Faculties of Architecture, Building and Design, Science, Business, Health and Food Science, Education and Humanities, and Engineering.

This agreement between DCCTI  and aQuantum not only brings an advantageous collaboration for both organizations, but also allows aQuantum to continue its constant commitment with the Talavera Manifesto and the dissemination of knowledge about Quantum Software Engineering and Programming through all possible channels and its applications to practical quantum computing. Additionally, this collaboration will enable aQuantum to expand its efforts in the quantum literacy of the workforce, which is a global fundamental need to contribute to the advancement of the adoption of the quantum computing and programming in the real world.

This collaboration will be advantageous for both parts, allowing us to collaborate with more experts and researchers, sharing with them our knowledge, facilitating the academic use of our technological solutions through QuantumPath® and expanding also the horizon of Quantum Software Engineering and Programming in South America.

At aQuantum we are very excited about the start of this collaboration with DCCTI and we are convinced that this collaboration will enhance the results of our training activities.

Learn more about aQNetwork here