QPath® is a quantum software development and lifecycle application platform, from the creation of the quantum algorithm through its development, testing and implementation, to its deployment and reuse, that has been designed and developed by applying the principles of the Talavera Manifesto for Quantum Software Engineering and Programming.

This new publication is focused on the advantages of applying the Quantum Software Engineering Best Practices for the development of quantum algorithm and software solutions, bearing in mind several of the issues raised by the SEI Agenda for Software Engineering Research & Development and how they are addressed and already implemented in QuantumPath®.

The presentation of the advantages of developing algorithms and quantum software applying good Software Engineering practices is based on the article “Talking About QuantumPath® & The SEI Agenda for Software Engineering Research & Development” by James Dargan, published in The Quantum Insider, and shows graphically:

    • Performance measurement of quantum software systems
    • Debugging quantum algorithms and software solutions
    • Quantum software development interfaces
    • Tools to support continuous integration with quantum computers
    • Hybrid (classical-quantum) software systems
    • The software engineering community
    • Workforce for the Future of Software Engineering

QPath® facilitates the implementation of the best practices of Quantum Software Engineering  in the development of quantum algorithms and apps and, in this way, contributes to the implementation of practical quantum computing..

You can learn more about Quantum Software Engineering Best Practices for the development of quantum algorithm and software whith QPath® here.

You can have the experience of developing quantum algorithms and apps with QPath® Free Developer subscription.