José Antonio Cruz-Lemus and Mario Piattini members of aQuantum, with the collaboration of Luis A. Marcelo have co-authored the article entitled “Towards a Set of Metrics for Quantum Circuits Understandability” published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology QUATIC 2021, Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 1439) pp 239-249.

Disciplines such as the Quantum Software Engineering are appearing for applying the knowledge acquired through time in their corresponding classical relatives to quantum computing. Besides, measurement is well known as a key factor for assessing, and improving if needed, the quality of any model in terms of, for instance, its understandability. The easier to understand a model is, the easier to maintain, reuse, etc. In this work, we present the definition of a set of metrics for assessing the understandability of quantum circuits. Some examples of the calculation of the metrics are also presented. This is just the beginning of a more thorough process in which they will be empirically validated by the performance of empirical studies, especially experiments.

This work is part of the “QHealth: Quantum Pharmacogenomics Applied to Aging”, 2020 CDTI Missions Programme (Center for the Development of Industrial Technology of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain) and FEDER project.

The aQuantum Team congratulates José Antonio, Luis and Mario for the publication of this article.

You can see all the articles and other papers published by aQuantum here.