Ezequiel Murina, José Ignacio García and Martín Hurtado Heredia,  members of aQuantum, have co-authored the article entitled “ChatGPT-4: first approach to its use, scope and limitations in quantum algorithms” published in the The QuantumPath Blog.

This article focuses on the impact that a novel artificial intelligence tool such as ChatGPT can have in addressing solutions to questions related to quantum computing. Is the technology ready to be able to address solutions to problems based on the principles of quantum computing? If it is capable of providing a solution, is it correct? Is it at a point where its ability to be used to address elements of knowledge about quantum computing can be explored…?

This work explores the use of this new technology applied to quantum computing and will rely on the QuantumPath® platform to validate the proposed solutions based on two approaches (gates and annealing techniques) using some well-known algorithms such Grover and Knapsack.

The aQuantum Team congratulates Ezequiel, Nacho and Martín for the publication of this article.

You can see all the articles and other papers published by aQuantum here.