After the launch in October 2020 of QPath, the Quantum Software Development and Lifecycle Application Platform, we have continued working on the research and development of our platform and, with this, we have also continued to create knowledge, documents and information that we have decided that we will publish as articles and other types of documents on the QPath website.

To facilitate access to this specialized information about QPath we have created a new section on the QPath website, Articles, where you can access all these documents without having to do multiple searches.

In the Articles section you can now access the first documents published that contribute to better understanding the characteristics, functionalities, architecture and utilities of QPath:

QPath helps secure investment and accelerates the adoption of quantum applications

QPath, a (very) useful platform for the emerging quantum software business

QPath, an accelerator of commercial quantum software development

QPath features

Of course, the number of documents published in this section will continue to increase over time, because in it we will add everything that we consider useful to learn more about QPath.

We invite you to learn more about QPath by visiting its new section: Articles.