A solid knowledge base in math and physics is essential for a workforce able to develop high quality quantum technology.

This work addresses the necessity of quantum literacy for the creation of a new workforce, proposing the basic math tools and physics background for entering into the field of quantum programming. It also addresses a certification about Science Foundation for Quantum Programming, as a means for assuring the quality of quantum software professionals.

This paper is part of the aQuantum research line Quantum Software Workforce.

The Conference paper presented by Ezequiel Murina (aQuantum Algorithms Research) in the International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2020) has been published as Part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 1266).

The aQuantum Team congratulates Ezequiel for this publication, which will contribute to the advancement of knowledge of aQuantum and the research community on the development of practical high-quality quantum software.

Learn more about this conference paper here