Mario Piattini,  Manuel Serrano, José Antonio Cruz y Ricardo Pérez, members of aQuantum has just published in Spanish the book “Informática Cuántica”. This book presents the basic concepts of quantum computing, the most popular algorithms, an overview of the technologies for implementing quantum computers, the main quantum programming languages and tools, as well as the most active areas of research, and some questions about the implementation and future of quantum computing.

As Guido Peterssen, COO of aQuantum, points out in the foreword: “The book is fully in line with the initial statement that we are living in the quantum decade and will therefore be an effective aid to better understand the magnitude of the developments around us related to quantum computing and, above all, to visualise more clearly the enormous opportunities that quantum computing opens up for all actors and users of computing“.

The book is available at Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats.

The aQuantum Team congratulates Mario, Manuel, José Antonio and Ricardo for this publication and their contribution to the dissemination of Quantum Computing.

You can see all the articles and other papers published by aQuantum here.