On October 17th, aQuantum established a new R&D line, “Green Quantum Algorithms & Software”, as an extension of the joint collaboration with the Alarcos Research Group of the UCLM. This collaboration goes back a long way, since February 2019, with the signing of the collaboration agreement between alhambraIT and the University of Castilla La Mancha (UCLM), for the joint execution of research work related to R&D in the area of ​​​​Software Engineering and Quantum Computing Programming.

This new R&D line will focus on how to design quantum algorithms and develop quantum software taking into account their environmental dimension in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the future. In fact, given the great relevance that quantum software is taking today and the fact that it will be even greater in the future, it is of utmost importance to consider sustainability as a key feature. Therefore, this new line of research will focus on the sustainability of quantum software, i.e. how the development, maintenance and use of quantum software affects the consumption of energy. One of the topics of work will be in particular how to use the QuantumPath® platform and its multiple apps to improve and ensure the greenability of quantum algorithms and software.

The R&D line will be directed by Professor Coral Calero, head of the Software Sustainability line of the Alarcos Group, and director of the Green Algorithms area of ​​OdiseIA. Professors Felix García and Mariángeles Moraga, as well as several researchers from the “Alarcos Green Team” will also participate in it. This group has been working since 2011 on the topic of green and sustainable software with several publications in journals and congresses as well as two books on the subject (Green in Software Engineering, and Software Sustainability published by Springer).

At aQuantum we are very excited about the start of this area and in this way contribute to the development of sustainable quantum information systems.