Members of aQuantum Partner Network (aQNetwork) will be able to experiment and work on the development of their quantum activities with QuantumPath (QPath), the quantum software development and lifecycle application platform. QPath is the first quantum software development platform for the hybrid solutions ecosystem.

Among the current members of aQNetwork are Research centers, Universities and companies specialized in the development of software solutions.

aQNetwork is the network of institutions and companies that collaborate with aQuantum to pursue progress in the adoption of Quantum Software Engineering and Development best practices, through collaboration in aQuantum activities in quantum R&D, the implementation of practical quantum products and services, training and competences development of the quantum software workforce, the dissemination of quantum knowledge through courses, conferences, documents, events and the development of quality quantum software according to the principles of the Talavera Manifesto.

Based on the activity on which the collaboration is focused, aQNetwork has three types of partners, Research, Academic and Solution.

The aQuantum Reseach Partners are institutions and companies of scientific excellence that partner in collaboration with aQuantum to pursue the advancement of research and development and the acceleration of the adoption of quantum computing, identified by the logo on the left of this paragraph.

The aQuantum Academic Partners are institutions and companies of academic and training excellence that partner in collaboration with aQuantum to pursue the dissemination and advancement of education and training in Quantum Software Engineering and Programming skills, which are identified with the use of the logo which is to the left of this paragraph.

The aQuantum Solution Partners are companies focused on the development of practical quantum solutions that partner in collaboration with aQuantum to help accelerate the adoption of Quantum Software Engineering and Programming, identified with the use of the logo that is the left of this paragraph

You can learn more about aQNetwork here.