Every organization that wants to use all the power of quantum computing to be more competitive in its sector, must have a method that allows it to take advantage of all the value that this technology can provide.

This article proposes the development of a framework for the Management and Governance of Quantum Computing based on COBIT.

This paper is part of the aQuantum research line Governance and Management.

The Conference paper presented by Miguel Ángel Blanco and Mario Piattini Velthuis  (Leader of the Alarcos Research Group-UCLM and aQuantum Science Team Leader) in the International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2020) has been published as Part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 1266).

The aQuantum team congratulates Miguel Angel and Mario for this publication, which will contribute to the advancement of knowledge of aQuantum and the research community on the Governance and Management of quantum software.

Learn more about this conference paper here